Friday, September 20, 2013

Be Humble

You would think someone with a 'Be Humble' tattoo on their foot would have no trouble remembering to do just that. But sometimes God has to put you in check because as the saying goes, familiarity breeds contempt.

On Sunday, my pastor preached about faith. I was deeply touched by the message. I can't remember exactly what he preached, but I just know that I felt sooo convicted. It was like the very Word of God was cutting away at my sinful attitude. It was painful. I hate disappointing God. Even though I had good intentions when I shared my products or business opportunity, I still had a healthier than though or more educated than though subtext in my presentation.

Since I joined 'It Works!', I've been very excited about the possibilities that extra income can create. But there is a big difference between conveying excitement and being boastful. Sadly, I had adopted the very attitude I despised in other people when I was apart of another network marketing company. I bash regular jobs on my various social media pages, judge others for being so close minded, brag about how I'll be retired in a few years, etc. 

But sometimes I forget that I once had a regular job....actually several jobs. Those jobs helped pay my bills and get me through school . Even when I wasn't happy about them, which was 99% of the time, I still went to work because I needed the income. And prior to finding 'It Works!', I was on Craigslist, looking for a part time job to appease my need to produce income.

I mean it's only a few days later, but I have changed my attitude. I believe God will lead me to the people who will benefit from this type of business and the products offered. I'm also accepting the fact that some people actually like, or even love, their job. Beyond that, people need jobs to survive. Everyone isn't cut out to be a Warren Buffett. 

"God opposes the arrogant but gives grace to the humble."  James 4:6

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Great Friends & Money Debate

I have been contemplating whether or not I was going to publish this post for the last few days. I have obviously decided that I should. Maybe my experience will help someone else in their business.

Last week I wrapped a few of my church members at a bbq. That was exciting because I really had no intentions of doing so. It gave me a feeling of accomplishment because when you join a network marketing company most people are skeptical and doubtful,especially the people closest to you. Since we had an impromptu wrap party, the ladies told me they'd pay me for the wraps on Sunday. Cool Beans. I had no problem with that.

On Saturday night I kept debating with myself about whether or not I should send a reminder text since it had almost been a week, and I know people have busy schedules. For me this was strictly business. I thought about all of the other times I had been so timid about money matters when I was a part of another network marketing company. I hated dealing with money and felt like it was a turn off for customers when you approached them about their balance. But I need to change that mentality in order to succeed.

I told myself that since this is a business I decided to build, I need to realize that money comes with the territory. I wasn't going to allow my discomfort with approaching people about money, stop me from building my dreams. So I waited until Sunday morning and sent a general text to everyone reminding them to bring their money to church. Boom! Message sent, I felt like a grown woman handling her business.

I received a text from one of the women that really hurt me. I think I was more hurt because I knew my intentions weren't to offend anyone, especially this particular woman who I consider a good friend. This was the main reason why it had taken me so long to send the text. No lie, I almost didn't go to church because I felt so distraught over the fact  that she'd think I didn't trust her or that I was hounding her for money.

I kept questioning whether I really did something wrong. That's the conflict when it comes to friends and business. I was thinking in terms of my business and how I need to ask for what is owed just like any other business person. Her mindset was, if we're friends you shouldn't feel the need to ask me for money because I haven't given you a reason not to trust me.

The whole thing sucked! I did call her on Monday and apologize. We had a short discussion about it and that was that. I'm thankful for the learning experience but I'm even more thankful that I didn't lose a friendship over it.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Wrap Star in the Making

This has been an amazing day! Matter of fact it has been an amazing week!!

Today I had a one on one with a young lady my husband referred to me. We met at a local Starbucks to see if this business would be of interest to her.

One thing I love about this business is the freedom it gives me to be myself. I didn't feel like I had to put on airs or act like I was more successful than I am. I didn't feel like I looked less professional because I wore my hair in an afro. I wore jeans and one of my fave Old Navy shirts. I was comfortable and I was me. 

Another thing that made me fall more in love with this business is the comfort level I had with taking my little princess to the meeting with me. I had originally planned to have a babysitter, but it didn't work out. Thankfully the meeting was at 11:30am, which is nap time for her. 

Having her there with me gave me more confidence and helped me convey my passion in a way that I would have been nervous to do otherwise. I mean, my baby girl is my primary reason for building this business so I think it was good to have a visual for my prospect and myself as I expressed my desire to be debt free and achieve financial freedom to insure my daughter had a future with no limits.

The meeting went well. The young lady was very interested in the business and will become one of the first distributors to sign up under me. Yaaay! 

I'm very excited about this month. Last month was basically my training month, but now it's on! I am ready to party...Wrap party :) Business is Boomin!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Choosing Victory Over Defeat

I'm Baaaack! I've been really busy since the last time I posted. Let's see....My little family flew to Philly on the 16th to visit my mother & siblings. It was a very interesting trip. Persia did very well on both flights, for which I am beyond thankful since I had to go it alone on the ride back.

My initial thoughts for this trip were: leave the kid with grandma, sleep, eat and sleep some more. But that was before I joined this business. I wanted to make sure I took advantage of any opportunity I had to get the word out about my products. So I scheduled a wrap party at my mom's place. I was also able to meet with my coach and friend, Bonita. The day we flew in my husband and I went to her beautiful home for dinner and training. 

Throughout the week I made calls, sent texts, e-mailed, etc to confirm my guests for my wrap party. I really didn't want to disappoint Bonita because she was willing to come help me, even though she was getting back from vacation the day it was scheduled. So many people bailed on me, but that's why you over invite. 

On the day of the party, I swear it seemed like everything and everyone was against me. I really wanted my mom to be there but she had to work until 7pm. A few more people called and cancelled, then there were others who just didn't show up. The internet was turned off. There were several block parties around the neighborhood that blocked off major streets and caused a lot of confusion. My siblings waited until 4:30pm to begin cleaning and my party started at 5. Everything was just crazy! 

But I had 2 guests show up, along with Bonita and they both became loyal customers. One of my guests tried the crazy wrap and she lost 2 inches around her waistline in one hour!!! That excited all of us. So everything worked out. 

If I wasn't passionate about this business I would've just quit and let my frustration deter me, but I have found that when I am most frustrated, is when I am the closest to an accomplishment. That frustration is the thin line between victory and defeat. Nothing worth having comes easy. I appreciate my minor setbacks much more now. They are an important part of the journey.

"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them."
(Romans 8:28)

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Lesson Learned

So today I was supposed to have my first 'wrap party.' That didn't quite work out. No one showed up, but I am confident that I will still be a successful Wrapstar. I blame my poor marketing for this defeat. You can't expect people to jump at an opportunity when they only have a 3 day notice, no personal contact from me (FB isn't personal), and very little knowledge about the product. So I will definitely make sure I am on my p's and q's next go around.

So what did I do with the time I set aside to wrap away the fat lol? I did what any smart business owner would do. I worked!! After I ate some ice cream of course...I'm only human :) I journaled a bit because I wanted to rid myself of any negativity. I had to admit to myself that this was poorly planned and I need to take better control of my business. Then I reminded myself that since I want this to work I need to continue taking the necessary steps that will allow me to become successful. Last, I reassured myself that God would not plant dreams, goal, and desires in my heart that HE isn't willing to fulfill.

After journaling I called a few people who showed interest in my products and possibly becoming a fellow/lady business builder. Had some great conversations. Moved on to my weekly conference call, where I was commended by my upline for showing leadership by sharing this business with others, even when I didn't have product (ego boost).  Then I made that dreaded call to my mother, because I never want her to feel like I am hounding her. But the thing is, a lot of my motivation for success comes from my desire to help her financially when I am able. I don't think asking her to spend $33/mth is too bad. Give and it shall be given, right?

Now I'm sitting here blogging, waiting for my husband and daughter to return home with some french fries for this hungry momma. Guess that means I need to take a fat fighter!

Today was good but tomorrow will be great! Lesson Learned.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Mission Accomplished!

Today I was determined to get out and paint the town green and black with blitz cards. Blitz cards are a marketing material I use to acquire business. They are awesome!

On Sunday night I saw an ad for a PBS event hosted by my local Whole Foods, so I thought that would be a great opportunity for me to mix and mingle with other parents. It was scheduled to begin at 10am. Now anybody who knows me, knows I am not a morning person, but I have goals to accomplish so sleeping in was not an option. 

I set my alarm for 7:30am, because as most moms know life is unpredictable and so are 10 month olds. Everything went pretty smoothly. Persia had a small tantrum when it was time to get in her carseat, but at least we were out the door. Gave her a pacifier, turned on the Pandora and off we went.  

There were so many moms there!! I was quite giddy because I saw all of the potential clients I could acquire. I will admit that I was nervous to approach people for two reasons. One, because I didn't want to offend them, by offering a service that basically says you have excess fat somewhere and I want to fix it. The second reason being, I had this crazy notion I would get kicked off of the Whole Foods lot for soliciting. 

After I dismissed those silly ideas and remembered my goals, I was fine. I cooed over babies, chatted about organic milk, and basically made easy small talk because people looove to talk about their kids. It was  a piece of cake!

I gave out a few blitz cards and left feeling like a proud business owner. I also felt like I needed to do more. So as I was on my daily Target run I approached a mom who was in awe of Persia's beauty. She was very exited about the wrap and asked lots of questions. So I am all revved up and ready to blitz again. Get my business boomin!

Monday, August 12, 2013

On the Road To Financial Freedom!

I am excited!!!! What am I excited about? My family's financial future. While most people are wondering how they are going to make ends meet, my husband and I are working toward creating an income that will allow us to live a better lifestyle and bless others in the process.

They say insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. I believe that, but most people don't know any better. I have always been confident that God wanted me to be prosperous in all areas of my life, including my finances. I just needed the right vehicle to get me to that destination and a 9-5 job wasn't going to do it.

As of this month I have found my vehicle!!! At the beginning of this month I became an 'It Works!' independent distributor. I won't get into the details of that right now, but I am so thankful that I was presented with this opportunity.

I've been a stay at home mom, I prefer domestic goddess , since January.I love it, but I want to lighten my husband's load a little by creating another revenue stream that will continue to flourish even if he were no longer able to work. 

I cannot wait to cut up the credit cards, pay off the student loans, and live a cash only lifestyle. That is my destination, and with 'It Works' as my vehicle, I'll get there in no time!